Friday, March 20, 2009


Wow, I like the title of this blog, the address that is. How true, that we will always be Lamberts. My last name isn't Lamberts now, but I still am one. How could it be otherwise? In my heart I will always be one :)
Great job with this blog Matthew!
Hey, why are you leaving so soon? Has your break ended already?
We are doing well here, though super busy. Yesterday was Janis' birthday. I surprised him with an Asian themed lunch, including sushi! We had that for the first time, it was ok, a nice one time thing to eat :)
Today has been a sort of day where you could feel it was a horrible, no good, very bad day. In other words nothing has gone the way I had hoped. Daniel has made so many messes, one of them was that he grabbed his bowl of broccoli and spilled it all over me, the tablecloth and the floor. What a day!

Love you all

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I'm here at home, you all. This is Elizabeth's idea... this blog is. It's a good one. I hope it's convenient for us. Rachel just left... I wish I would have got to see her more tonight. I have two more days here at home. Dad leaves for Bozemon tomorrow. It's been a good break so far. Elizabeth... you're funny... It was good to talk to you yesterday. I'll talk to you all later. Just seeing if this is up and running, and establishing the initial connection. Love you all. God bless.